Ministry Topics

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Decaying Seashell Don’t Let the Garbage Turn You Into Oscar the Grouch!—As Barbara exposes the amazing works of God in her life, she helps others find their own blessings amid life’s trials. She reveals skeletons in her closet, discussing the reality of teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, divorce, single parenting, and much more.  No matter what your troubles, the skeletons in your closet will never shock or surprise Barbara.

DSC_1853 - Copy - CopyYou’re Not Crazy, You’re Wired That Way—As a certified instructor of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Barbara demonstrates how God wired each of us to relate to others, gather information, handle decisions, and create structure…or not. Participants explore their own traits in a fun and engaging environment while learning to accept others with very different approaches than their own.  With the MBTI, Barbara helps participants discover new ways to use their gifts in a way that complements their style.

Say What?—Many times our efforts at communication result in unexpected results. As Christians, these results can be disastrous but not impossible to overcome. Most miscommunication boils down to recognizing the three elements of how we interpret a message. Believe it or not, formal education only teaches one of these, so it’s no surprise we all have communication problems.  Using fun examples, Barbara will help you learn how to prevent many of these complications in your day-to-day interactions.  As an added bonus, she will help teach you how to listen with interest and enthusiasm.

Make Up Your spring-1569544-1280x960 FreeImagesMind—Let Barbara share the path to understanding how you can believe and not believe at the same time. A man asked Christ to heal his son, but ended up expressing his unbelief.  It happened. Journey through Barbara’s exploration of this man’s words when she faced the same issue after an unexpected accident.


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She will gladly customize and develop messages to fit your needs.
